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E.F. Benson

Van Wikiquote

Veurblaad, Recènte verangeringe, Alle Artiekele, De Kaffee, Zandjbak, Hölp, Willekäörige pazjena, Aanmelle veur Wikiquote, Gebroekersportaol, Spellingshölp

E.F. Benson, 1902
  • Ingelsj: "The hours of the morning between breakfast and lunch were the time which the inhabitants of Riseholme chiefly devoted to spying on each other."
    • Limbörgsj: "De oere vanne mörge tösje mörgesaetes en middisaetes wore de tieje die de inweuners van Riseholme vernamelik dórchbrachte mit einanger te beglure."