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Piers Anthony

Van Wikiquote

Veurblaad, Recènte verangeringe, Alle Artiekele, De Kaffee, Zandjbak, Hölp, Willekäörige pazjena, Aanmelle veur Wikiquote, Gebroekersportaol, Spellingshölp

  • Ingelsj: "I found that I simply couldn't take fantasy seriously, so it became humourous, and continued from there. I turned my home state of Florida into the Land of Xanth."
    • Limbörgsj: "Ich vónj det ich de fantasie sumpelewaeg neet serieus kós numme, dus 't woort humoristisch en góng vanoet dao wiejer. Ich boedje mienen heimstaot Florida óm nao 't Landj van Xanth."