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Euverlèk gebroeker:Alan

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Van Wikiquote
Laatste reactie: 9 jaar geleden door Ooswesthoesbes in het onderwerp Deletion
Babel Gebroekersinfermasie
es-N Esta persona tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
eu-3 Erabiltzaile honek euskaraz maila aurreratuan lagun dezake.
Gebroekers per sjpraok

m:User talk:Alan



Please do not delete talk pages. We tend to keep them on Limburgish projects for archive reasons. If you are not familiar with a wikis policy, do not interfere. --Ooswesthoesbes (euverlègk) 16 dec 2015 15:35 (UTC)Reageren

No comment.
If you do not want outside interferences, only you must have a own administration team. Page restored.
Regards, Alan (euverlègk) 16 dec 2015 20:37 (UTC)Reageren
Unfortunately, a wiki requires two administrators these days :) --Ooswesthoesbes (euverlègk) 23 dec 2015 12:37 (UTC)Reageren